Face Cleansers: Types and Uses

 Face cleaners can be a skin saver if you know what to use and do with it. 

I’ve used the Nip+ Fab mandelic cleanser and it has been to keep breakout under control. 

Why do we have different names for something like a cleanser? Let’s blame the marketing tactics 😂

Cleansing gels:light weight texture 

Cleansing balms: creamy and thick 

Cleansing oils: Oil in appearance but dissolved in water 

In essence, they do the same thing but differ in texture and preference. 

Also, skin care brands have infused treatments into cleansers eg The Inkey Salicylic acid cleanser is intended for exfoliating and most importantly, for acne prone skin. Their fulvic acid brightening cleanser is targeted at dull skin as well as brightening as well as  Nip +Fab salicylic fox gel cleanser among others.  


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