Which Facial Scrub is Best?

Facial scrubs are forms of physical exfoliating facial products. When you are new to skin care, it's easy to begin with a facial scrub because it's more affordable and usually more accessible. In addition, it's less complicated in terms of use. 

The washing or cleansing step is the first thing to clear skin and because exfoliating should be effective in order to clear the dead skin cells, the type of facial scrub is important.

Fortunately, there are a wide range to choose from and according to your skin issues. There are scrubs for acne treatment which contain about 1. 0 % salicylic acid eg St. Ives blackhead clearing green tea scrub. The st. Ives acne apricot control scrub 2.0% salicylic  acid.

Because these are wash off products, it make take some time to see the results.

Another criteria I consider when getting a facial scrub is the strength of the scrub. St. Ives label their scrubs as Gentle, moderate or deep penetration. Gentle for normal skin, deep and moderate for acne treatment.Some scrubs are oil free and some contain oil for dry skin.

Some brands include more exfoliating ingredients in their scrubs. Eg rice enzymes, vitamin C, oatmeal etc. You'll see brightening scrub labels too. Based on what you want to achieve, you can get probably two or three different scrubs for different effects. I rotate between acne treatment scrubs and brightening ones. 

Mostly, there are labels like 'daily' on the scrub. This is where in cautious. I pay attention to how my skin feels before I jump on daily use. I prefer to stick to twice a week.


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