Which One Is Best? Cream Or Lotions?

When it comes to face moisturizers or body moisturizers, it is sometimes difficult to find what will work.

The difference lies in the water to oil ratio. Lotions contain mostly water and less oil, making them thinner in viscosity and fast-absorbing. These types of water-based emollients are great for people with normal or oily skin. 

Creams contain both water and oil, enough to lock moisture in the skin, but without leaving a greasy residue. 

Ointments contain the highest percentage of oil; they are thick and can be greasy, making them best reserved for severely dry and/or cracked skin. Thus during harmattan season, butters and oils are great in locking in moisture. 

A technique I use is to apply lotion first and then follow up with oil if I feel my skin is too dry. Another method is to leave about 50% water on my skin after shower before applying lotion or oil. 


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