Glowing Skin Care Routine For August,2022

 The glowing skin care series is getting more and more exciting! This month threw an unexpected curve in my routine by virtue of the fact that I'm not nursing anymore. This means I could add any serum I needed in my skin care journey.

Let's rewind to late July:

I added The Ordinary Squalene oil to the routine and noticed a drastic difference in the appearance of the skin, especially the cheek areas.

The second beautiful change was not experiencing any pimple or acne breakout throughout July and up to this August. One likely reason is due to using niacinamide on the cheek areas daily! Those two areas are the hotspot for pimples hence the reason I have a lot of dark spots there. The consistency in applying The Ordinary niacinamide daily is most definitely a factor in not just the brightening effect but also the No pimple experience.

Another change I've noticed is a more hydrated skin since the introduction of the squalene oil. Basically, I can tell the effect of the squalene oil already.

I use Beauty Formulas retinol face serum at night these days if I get the opportunity. This serum  has most likely also helped stop the dryness and dehydrated look. 

The Pei Mei Vitamin C serum is the latest serum I've included as well as a sunscreen! Although it's going to speed up the dark spots treatment, another benefit of vitamin c is the antioxidant impact it has. Essentially, getting rid of free radicals will slow down the skin's aging process.

Lastly, I'm taking Youthful Glow Supplement from Jo Naturalis on Instagram. My main goal is to restore my skin as I've have been off for the past 2 years due to my baby.

I'm excited to go back to using exfoliating serums but this time, I'm paying attention to lactic acid or NIOD Non Acid Acid Precursor serum. I'll share more about that later.


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