Free Radicals And The Antioxidant

 There's always a mention of Free Radicals harming our skin when we don't use sunscreen or take in more antioxidant to get rid of Free Radicals. What's free Radicals though?

Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and aging. Free radicals are linked to aging and a host of diseases.

Too many free radicals in the body causes cellular damage and oxidative stress.

Free radicals circulating in the body are counteracted by antioxidants which scavenge or decompose them. But as the body ages it is less able to fight the effects of free radicals. 

The primary micronutrient antioxidants are vitamin E, C and beta-carotene. Our  bodies cannot make these micronutrients hence our   diet is the body’s main source of these essential nutrients.

Most of us know sources of vitamin c but how about vitamin E? Sunflower Seeds,pine Nuts, avocado,peanut Butter,Fish,Red Bell Peppers.

Beta-carotene can be found in egg yolk, milk, carrots, spinach, broccoli i, tomato, peaches and grains.

Although antioxidants are great, too much can cause a lot of harm. High dose of supplements can lead to death or even increase oxidative stress.

Natural sources of these vitamins are considered much safer. 

Did you know using reheated left over oil can create free radicals? Alcohol drinks, red meat, processed meat, smoking among others can also cause free radicals. 

Read more here and here 


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