How To: Take Off Your Sunscreen

Sunscreens have gained popularity in recent times and for a good reason. These last step products protect your skin from the I rays of the sun as well as working with your vitamin c serum to fight off free radicals in addition to the protection. At the end of the day, how then do you take off your sunscreen, especially the oil based ones? Have you heard of double cleansing? 

Personally, I currently use an oil in water Micellar cleanser from Garnier. I pour that into cotton and wipe the face several times. I follow this with the regular face wash or soap and a little experiment I did has shown how relevant double cleansing can be in the quest for healthy skin. 

I chose to wash without removing the sunscreen, relying on the face wash to do that. I did that for 3 days. By the third day, I saw little acne beginning to pop out all over the face! I knew it had to do with no properly removing the sunscreen with the right products. 

In the third day, I did the first wash with the hydrating wash and then rinsed it off. I decided to then use the Micellar water in a cotton to clean the face to see any leftover products. The from and back of the first cotton was extremely dirty! The Garnier Micellar water oil is great for waterproof makeup hence seeing that amount of dirt was the proof I needed. 

After two cottons, I didn't see any dirt again and rewashed with the hydrating cleanser. I followed with The Ordinary lactic acid 10%+HA to exfoliate the skin (get rid of anything clogging the pores). 

That's all it takes to get acne when you fail to properly take off sunscreen. 

Other products that can be used are cleansing balms and cleansing oils. 

Don't sleep on double cleansing! 

If you are using an AM face cream with sun block, you don't have to double cleanse. 


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