Tretinoin Skin Care Routine

Tretinoin usage has seen a surge as a result of its benefits (see here)

Before you decide to use tretinoin, here are a few tips for you.

✔️Ensure you are deligent in using sunscreen daily. 

✔️Start with a low strength for your skin to adjust and then increase the strength over the time. 

✔️Have a super moisturizing face cream to use daily because tretinoin can leave your skin quite dry.

✔️Start off with once a week and gradually allow your skin to build tolerance. 

✔️Stick it out! It can take up to 6 months to see the results. Some experience extreme breakout during that period.

✔️You can start off with retinol serums and then move on to the tretinoin to allow your skin to adjust. 

✔️Read about using other products like alpha hydroxy acids and other conflicts that might occur with tretinoin. 


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